
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Maroon 5榮耀重返:Misery超暴力限映

大家豎起耳朵、張大雙眼要聽的美國搖滾天團Maroon 5,終於....要重出江湖了!

我記不得他們上次是幾時出專輯了,自去年一張混音精選集之後,直到最近廣播熱力播放他們這次主打單曲Misery,再熟悉不過的Adam Levine渾厚獨特嗓音,旋律感重回This Love那首強烈節奏重擊。


不同幾年前This Love MV纏綿性愛畫面,這次Misery砸下重金找曾替Britney Spears導過"Toxic"、Kylie Minogue "All The Lovers"、Eminem feat. Rihanna  "Love the Way You Lie"等韓裔MV名導Joseph Kahn掌鏡,媲美電影手法,拍攝大動作場面。

令人嘖嘖稱奇的是,影片宛若美國版「我的野蠻女友」,女主角不假外人,找Adam的正牌名模女友Anne Vyalitsyna合演,片頭剛來個卿卿我我,沒一會兒,開始被Anne呼巴掌、踹好幾腳,這還小case,跑出去被車子撞,Anne在Adam五指間玩弄戳刀,更慘的鏡頭帶到廁所處理,把頭塞到馬桶裡泡水,超噁,那也就算了,整個人被拋出去撞破玻璃窗,媲美五星級虐待,招待Adam高空跳樓、火箭筒迫擊、小李飛刀,最後來個車子迎面撞360度大翻車鏡頭,簡直把Adam折磨到滿清十大酷刑都不夠看了。



很多人都搞不懂這部MV為什麼要拍得這麼殘暴,據MTV影評,這是一部描寫"the sexual energy between two people",用「幽默」的方式「惡搞」搖滾大少,反向操作讓原本美女如雲左右逢源的明星,被又踢又揍,是要博得歌迷歡聲雷動鼓掌叫好吧?! 這也確實顛覆千篇一律播放水乳交融的性愛畫面,不再是高高在上的萬人迷,而是一個再平凡不過會被欺負的普通人。


" 'Misery' is about ... the desperation of wanting someone really badly in your life but having it be very difficult. Kind of what all the songs I write are about," he smiled. "I'm not treading on new ground, but I think a lot of people — including myself — deal with that all the time. Relationships are difficult, and it's good therapy to write about them."

我想這首歌話題十足,聳動又帶點詼諧,鐵定會大賣。再等一個月,Maroon 5 選定921這種日期要發行「Hands all over」專輯,到時在來看Maroon 5 又會帶來什麼驚天動地的MV。

Maroon 5 上個月開始Hands all over tour巡迴演唱,來聽聽NBC廣場現場演出。



Oh yeah

Oh yeah

So scared of breaking it

But you won't let it bend

And I wrote two hundred letters

I won't ever send

Somehow it is cut so much

Deeper then they seem

You'd rather cover up

I'd rather let them be

So let me be

And I'll set you free

I am in misery
There ain't no other
Who can comfort me
Why won't you answer me?
Your silence is slowly killing me
Girl you really got me bad
You really got me bad
I'm gonna get you back
Gonna get you back
Your salty skin and how
It mixes in with mine
The way it feels to be
Completely intertwined
It's not that I didn't care
It's that I didn't know
It's not what I didn't feel,
It's what I didn't show
So let me be
And I'll set you free

I am in misery
There ain't no other
Who can comfort me
Why won't you answer me?
Your silence is slowly killing me
Girl you really got me bad
You really got me bad
I'm gonna get you back
Gonna get you back

Say your faith is shaken
You may be mistaken
You keep me wide awake and
Waiting for the sun
I'm desperate and confused
So far away from you
I'm getting here

Don't care where I have to go

Why do you do what you do to me, yeah
Why won't you answer me, answer me yeah
Why do you do what you do to me yeah
Why won't you answer me, answer me yeah

I am in misery
There ain't no other
Who can comfort me
Why won't you answer me?
Your silence is slowly killing me
Girl you really got me bad
You really got me bad
I'm gonna get you back
Gonna get you back

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