上週iTune 10風光引進Ping音樂社群功能,兩天有100萬用戶蜂擁而至,沒幾天美國各大新聞編輯紛紛唱衰Ping,很多人開始懷疑蘋果是否要踏入Google Wave的後塵,成為社交網站史上又一齣歹戲拖棚,還是有可能力挽狂瀾東山再起?
音樂社交橋頭堡,Facebook連個油水沒得撈,蘋果憑什麼獨占鼇頭穩穩站好前面發號司令? 我們眼睜睜看著Facebook connect功能形同虛設,Steve Jobs與Mark Zuckerberg還沒達成協議,用戶已經耐不了性子,用搜尋來找Friend? Celebrities? 這可能是社交網站最大的夢魘,竟然會發生在Ping,難道沒有Facebook加持,蘋果不會設計Mail或聯絡人匯入,呆呆地鍵入朋友可能的名字,難保不會出現一長串冒名者,更別說Account ID取綽號或易名,哪來時間一個一個人肉搜索呢?
蘋果既然要號召樂迷集結,卻在iTune Store以外另闢討論區,真的匪夷所思。用戶無法分享播放清單,也不能直接評論於iTune線上購買專輯,Ping儼然成了某些特定藝人專區,據聞「用戶在購買某首歌或某張專輯之前,沒有下評比或標示喜歡,是無法隨意增加評論或更新狀態」,若謠言屬實,這對很多想從Ping發掘多元甚至niche音樂的人來說,無疑是晴天霹靂的消息,誰願意只是錦上添花follow女神卡卡而已,應該還有很多歌手或團體值得關注吧。
各大科技版編輯的評論毫不留情質疑Ping的未來,如Gizmodo網站Matt說:"I don't buy music from iTunes, and neither do most of my friends. So, even though I use iTunes everyday, because of its singular integration with the iTunes Store, Ping doesn't actually tie into the way I use music at all. That renders it slightly better than useless." 一針見血講中iTune的封閉,連我朋友都沒有上iTune購買專輯的習慣,我怎能期待在Ping找到知音,除非有類似Facebook遊戲或累積積分的機制,吸引更多非iTune族群加入,不然iTune只限於蘋果迷,或該說是蘋果迷中的音迷。
Fortune雜誌一篇《Can Ping be Saved》的文章,列出對Ping埋怨10大意見:
- Fix the navigation system, starting with a back button [UPDATE: back and forward buttons were added on Saturday]
- Keep out the spammers and scam artists [UPDATE: By Monday, the spam had all but disappeared]
- Expand the "Music I Like" choices beyond three genres and 10 songs
- Link Ping to our libraries so we can "like" the songs we're listening to, not just the ones we bought on iTunes
- Add simple ways to find out what our friends are listening to
- Create a mechanism for sharing playlists, ratings, number of plays, etc.
- Come to terms with Mark Zuckerberg and restore the Facebook Connect button
- Add other ways to bring in people we know -- from mail lists, people we follow on Twitter, etc.
- Allow cross-linking so that iTunes pings turn up in Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc.
- Let ordinary users -- not just celebrities -- post notes, pictures, songs, etc.