
Friday, June 17, 2011

100%歌迷原創: Michael Jackson "Behind the mask"與Monkey Majik "Forever"

今年3月名為《Behind the Mask》音樂影片錄製計畫展開,獲得熱烈迴響,有103國家˙1600位粉絲上傳自製影片,對心中永遠的天王表達無限的懷念,並於6月14日發佈MJ臉書


這支影片在MJ逝世兩年後,由Sony唱片與MJ資產基金會出資,找了Radical Media華裔導演Dennis Liu掌鏡,他從MJ 1991年《Black & White》MV所啟發的點子,設想如果MJ還在世,他會想要呈現哪種影片風貌?  MJ關懷世界期盼不分民族融合理念,成了啟發Dennis創作來源,打算用「連結」做為主題,運用科技讓所有MJ粉絲來參與錄製。

Dennis與他四位組員,設立活動網站 廣發武林帖,而粉絲的熱情不斷讓製作團隊驚喜,有俄羅斯粉絲串連MJ快閃行動,也有在零下冰天雪地專注畫MJ畫像女孩都來投稿了。龐大的15000部自製影片源源不絕上傳到網站,順應計畫要求,有粉絲演奏樂器,或唱一段歌,拿歌詞大字報,甚至跳一段麥可經典的月球漫步,粉絲應援團傾全力,在網路科技無遠弗界串連下,這支4分半的影片在眾人集思廣益下,展現喜歡MJ的真心情感。

Behind the Mask歌詞

All along, had to talk about it 一直以來,不得不把話攤開來說
Like a two-edged sword, he touched you and it stabs me那就像是一把雙刃劍,他感動你,卻刺傷了我
All along, I knew you were a phony girl 一直以來,我知道你是一個愛騙人的女孩
Sit behind the mask, and you control your world 坐在面具背後,控制著你的世界

I sit around and I watch your face我無所事事,我看著你的臉龐
I try to find the truth, but that's your hiding place 我試著發掘真相,但是,你藏匿真相
You say you love me, but it's hard to see 你說你愛我,但是,我不明白
Cause when he's in your arms, you're throwing rocks at me你擁著他入懷,你根本是在挑釁

Who do you love? 你愛的人是誰?
Is it me? Well? 是我? 還是誰?
I don't know 我不懂
Who do you love? 你愛的人是誰?

you know me 你很了解我

There is nothing in your eyes 你的眼神沒有表情
That's the way you cry, girl女孩,你哭的時候就這樣子
All is grand, all is bright 冠冕堂皇,天真爛漫
You're just studying my mind 你只會對我察言觀色

I walk around, I'm suffering in my doom我逃避問題,深受宿命之苦
When I come to you, you're sitting in your room 當我來到你身邊,你在房間坐著
You sit around in the strangest place 你坐的樣子很奇怪
So take off the mask, so I can see your face卸下你的面具,我要看看你的真面目

Who do you love? 你愛的人是誰?
Is it me? Well? 是我? 還是誰?

I don't know我不懂
Who do you love? 你愛的人是誰?
I know you 我很了解你

Heaven must be wearing 老天爺都受夠了
Your smile is scary (you got me scared, girl) 你的微笑很嚇人(女孩,你嚇到我了)
Insincere, empty tears虛情假意的淚水
Where's your soul? 你的靈魂在哪裡?
Where did it go? 你的靈魂跑去哪了?

Heaven must be wearing 老天爺都受夠了
Your smile is scary 你的微笑很嚇人
Insincere, empty tears 虛情假意的淚水
Where's your soul? 你的靈魂在哪裡?
Where did it go? 你的靈魂跑去哪了?

I walk around, I'm suffering in my doom 我逃避問題,深受宿命之苦
When I come to you, you're sitting in your room 當我來到你身邊,你在房間坐著
You sit around in the strangest place 你坐的樣子很奇怪
So take off the mask, so I can see your face 卸下你的面具,我要看看你的真面目

Who do you love? 你愛的人是誰?
Is it me? Well? 是我? 還是誰?
I don't know 我不懂
Who do you love? 你愛的人是誰?
I know you 我很了解你

Who do you love? 你愛的人是誰?
Is it me? Well? 是我? 還是誰?
I don't know 我不懂
Who do you love? 你愛的人是誰?

I don't know我不懂
I don't wanna talk about it (let's talk about it)我不想再說了(把話攤開來說吧)



Monkey Majik 猴子把戲 and Forever MV

我一直很想介紹日本這支混血搖滾樂團Monkey Majik,卻遲遲沒有行動,剛好為了介紹MJ的《Behind the Mask》而想到他們有一支MV也是由素人歌迷所演出,也或許只是號召鄉里的大合唱project,不分男女老少從練唱到正式拍攝,專注的表情一一入鏡,最終剪輯出極為優美感人的影片。從頭到尾沒有樂團參與,完全交由某個小地方的鄉民扶老攜幼站在校園引吭高歌,清新又自然的表情與嗓音,歌頌愛與和平,聽在耳裡比樂團唱的版本還來得動聽。

看完...會忍不住掬一把感動的淚........呢。(唉,又想起日本地震的情景了,Pray for Japan!)



It's beautiful world 宇宙(そら)に旅に出よう
You know it feels right 破れた地図手にして
塞ぎ込んだ won't you come and shine on me
Loving you forever
I have got you
You have got me
どこまでも together
The way that you walk
The way that you talk
Season's will change
Kids get new names
“FAME”is just another cover saying
We should try to go and better ourselves

Well at the end of the day
All you see is yourself
慌てないで look in the mirror realize
Just a glance will paralyze
The contentment that you knew
I'm guilty of it too.
終わりのない旅 まだまだ続く
Loving you forever
I have got you
You have got me
どこまでも together





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