
Friday, August 01, 2014

怪咖艾爾 Weird Al 強勢惡搞流行金曲,今夏消暑的趣味專輯

要說今年夏天西洋流行樂壇話題人物,當屬怪咖艾爾 Weird Al Yankovic,一個喜劇演員,同時也是專把當紅歌曲改編的歌手。他絕對沒想到出道 30 年,今年以 "Mandatory Fun" 榮登美國告示牌排行榜專輯第一名,當然這結果令大家大感意外,不敢相信居然連惡搞歌曲也能拿銷售冠軍。國內朋友可能對 Weird Al 很陌生,人家大叔可得過三次葛萊美獎呢,至今還是活龍一尾,惡搞創作點子仍不減當年,這次透過社群媒體的瘋狂轉載影片,一舉征服全球網友好奇心,爭相看八天內推出八支音樂 MV,製造哪些趣味話題。

在這八支 MV 影片中,Weird Al 發揮他喜劇基因的搞笑功力,連番將好幾支冠軍金曲拿來「重新詮釋」,像是 Robin Thicke 的 Blurred Lines、Pharrel Williams 的 Happy、Lorde 的 Royals、Iggy Azalea 的 Fancy,旋律不變情況下,把 "Blurred Lines" 改成 "Word Crimes",把 "Happy" 改成 "Tacky",這幾支影片在 Youtube 點擊率居高不下,衝破千萬次,與其說是惡搞,還不如說 Weird Al 另類創作出來的音樂,表達獨樹一格趣味看法跟豐富視覺想像,讓人看完十分佩服他頑童心一點也不像他年紀跟外表,永遠帶來耳目一新新鮮感。

♨ Royal 不 Royal 而是 Foil 錫箔紙


♨ Fancy 不 Fancy 而是 Handy 靈巧水電工

在這八支音樂 MV 裡,我認為最有趣的一支就是改編 Robin Thicke 的 "Blurred Lines",取名為 "Word Crimes" 這首歌,諷刺抨擊當今社會讀寫亂象,網路上年輕人寫的文法亂七八糟,分不清 "to whom" 和 "to who" 哪一種才是正確,要不然把濃縮咖啡 espresso 拼成 expresso,全部歌詞可說是點出時下英文教育的問題,大家要是有興趣,可以把底下歌詞看一遍,看自己學英文是不是有犯這樣的錯誤。

"Word Crimes" [Intro:]
Everybody shut up, WOO!
Everyone listen up!
Hey, hey, hey, uh
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey

[Verse 1:]
If you can't write in the proper way
If you don't know how to conjugate
Maybe you flunked that class
And maybe now you find
That people mock you online

Okay, now here's the deal
I'll try to educate ya
Gonna familiarize
You with the nomenclature
You'll learn the definitions
Of nouns and prepositions
Literacy's your mission
And that's why I think it's a

Good time
To learn some grammar
Now, did I stammer
Work on that grammar
You should know when
It's "less" or it's "fewer"
Like people who were
Never raised in a sewer

I hate these word crimes
Like I could care less
That means you do care
At least a little
Don't be a moron
You'd better slow down
And use the right pronoun
Show the world you're no clown
Everybody wise up!

[Verse 2:]
Say you got an "I","T"
Followed by apostrophe, "s"
Now what does that mean?
You would not use "it's" in this case
As a possessive
It's a contraction
What's a contraction?
Well, it's the shortening of a word, or a group of words
By the omission of a sound or letter

Okay, now here's some notes
Syntax you're always mangling
No "x" in "espresso"
Your participle's danglin'
But I don't want your drama
If you really wanna
Leave out that Oxford comma
Just keep in mind

That "be", "see", "are", "you"
Are words, not letters
Get it together
Use your spellchecker
You should never
Write words using numbers
Unless you're seven
Or your name is Prince

I hate these word crimes
You really need a
Full time proofreader
You dumb mouth-breather
Well, you should hire
Some cunning linguist
To help you distinguish
What is proper English

[Verse 3:]
One thing I ask of you
Time to learn your homophones is past due
Learn to diagram a sentence too
Always say "to whom"
Don't ever say "to who"
And listen up when I tell you this
I hope you never use quotation marks for emphasis
You finished second grade
I hope you can tell
If you're doing good or doing well
About better figure out the difference
Irony is not coincidence
And I thought that you'd gotten it through your skull
What's figurative and what's literal
Oh but, just now, you said
You literally couldn't get out of bed
That really makes me want to literally
Smack a crowbar upside your stupid head

I read your e-mail
It's quite apparent
Your grammar's errant
You're incoherent
Saw your blog post
It's really fantastic
That was sarcastic (Oh, psych!)
'Cause you write like a spastic

I hate these Word Crimes
Your prose is dopey
Think you should only
Write in emoji
Oh, you're a lost cause
Go back to pre-school
Get out of the gene pool
Try your best to not drool

Never mind I give up
Really now I give up
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Go Away!

我比較有興趣影片大量使用的流行設計元素,模仿 "Blurred Lines" 使用社群常用的 Hashtag 主題標籤,運用 Typography 使文字為主角貫穿歌詞,並加以在黑板發揚光大,手寫圖繪歌詞內容,簡單易懂的圖案對照,頗有 Infographic 控的味道。

Word Crimes  (原曲 Robin Thicke “Blurred Lines” )


另一首改編菲董風靡全球的單曲 "Happy",Weird Al 取名為 "Tacky",邀請圈內好友助陣,像是搖滾教室的 Jack Black、美女上錯身的 Margaret Cho、摩登家庭的 Aisha Tyler 、Eric Stonestreet、Glee 歡樂合唱團的 Kristen Schaal 幾位喜劇演員,在洛杉磯一家廢棄皇家劇院,穿著金光閃閃的服裝,極盡誇張對嘴搖擺身體,接力告訴你別人說你好俗又怎樣,拿走餐廳整碗薄荷糖又怎樣,不用錢當然拿走;在莊嚴肅穆葬禮上,還要實況 tweet 一下,跟死者合照搞自拍上傳;就算被殭屍咬到,也不要告訴你,如果你也幹過這種事,歡迎你加入 Tacky 俗趴趴行列,這年代就連做自己也不容易,不及時行樂不就枉費人生嗎?

Tacky  (原曲 Pharrel Williams “Happy “)

如果你開始對怪咖艾爾產生興趣,不妨上 Youtube 鍵入 Weird Al Yankovic ,就能找到他的頻道,可以看到他之前惡搞作品,像是改編女神卡卡的 "Born This Way" 的 "Perform This Way",據說女神卡卡挺欣賞 Weird Al 的表演呢。把瘋狂點子極盡能事表達在影片,可能你想都沒想過,惡搞的原意不過就是以幽默的方式,表現另一種創意的可能。
★ 希望你喜歡這篇文章介紹,歡迎轉載分享,但請註明出處。可直接聯繫 Julia Lin 的 Google+ 切磋交流!