
Friday, January 17, 2014

英國性感小天后 Pixie Lott 單曲 Nasty 火熱出爐!

前幾天聽到 Pixie Lott 出新專輯的消息,才看過 MV 預告沒多久,今天完整版完整版 Video 在引頸期盼下終於出爐。


《Nasty》這首歌原本是美國另一個丹田渾厚天后 Christina Aguilera 要收錄在迪士尼電影 Burlesque 原聲帶專輯,因故未採用,就被 Pixie Lott 拿來唱。剛過 23 歲生日的 Pixie Lott,不像作風保守的摩羯座 (生日 1 月 12日),才華洋溢的她,會作曲寫歌,擅長舞蹈,15 歲與唱片公司簽約,2009年以 "Mama Do" 出道,一舉登上英國單曲排行榜第一名,三年內 "Turn it Up" (2009) 和 "Young Foolish Happy" (2011) 這兩張白金專輯讓 Pixie Lott 聲勢如日中天,當她繼續投入第三張同名專輯 "Pixie Lott" 的製作,橫跨倫敦、紐約、邁阿密錄音室,為了譜寫超越前兩張更好的歌,竟細磨慢研了兩年。記者採訪問道: 「你難道不怕歌迷忘了妳,轉向其他歌手懷抱?」, Pixie Lott 不改大剌剌個性,只是淡淡地說:「我一點也不擔心,要是你有像 Lily Allen 或 Joss Stone 的歌聲,我想你隨時都會來聽。」(超級自信呢!)

當 Rihanna,、Miley Cyrus等女歌手輕解羅杉,使盡全力脫衣露胸搏火辣,十分有主見有個性的 Pixie Lott 可沒想過要隨波逐流,只是輕描淡寫講,為了詮釋歌曲,我早就拍過不少展現性感影片。(意指 Miley 充其量只是賣肉而已?!)

好身材 Pixie Lott  還是不吝展露在在新歌 Nasty 中,用 Chanel 包遮住上半裸身,去夜店解掉鈕釦,小露胸罩,最後內衣外穿跟男舞者緊貼熱舞,這一幕似曾相識,腦袋出現 Dirty Dancing 「熱舞 17」 電影中 Patrick Swayze 和 Jennifer Grey 練舞畫面。MV 重現不少復古元素,是不是跟 Pixie Lott 喜歡 1960 年代的東西有關,就不得而知。以一襲內衣和短裙,唱起 Nasty,符合 Pixie 為詮釋歌曲所做的性感展現,放眼現今歐美歌壇,這樣裸露等級只不過是一塊小蛋糕而已。

然而 Pixie Lott 的歌穿透力,勝過胸罩話題,Nasty 的旋律足以構成「洗腦歌」的要件,不斷哼唱拼出 Nasty,聽起來並沒有如字意那樣「淫蕩」,而把樂在其中當成享受,還宣告「你是我的菜」You know you just my type,掌握愛情的主導權。

不虧為名製作人 Cee-Lo Green 的歌曲,段落頓點強烈,後半部讓渾厚肺活歌聲充分發揮到高點,讓一支可能只是旋律通俗的夜店歌,昇華成聚積熱情性感的鎂光燈,打在期待週末解放的女人心上。


Nasty 歌詞

I was sitting all alone yeah
A lot on my mind
Felt a tap on my shoulder
Out goes my eyes
I wasn't in the mood for another man
Telling me lies
How can a girl say no when you flash that sexy smile
And you say

Aa aa ey ey (eeey)
Wanna see you get nasty (Hit me)
Wanna see you shake it down babe (yeah)

Hey hey
N-A-S-T-Y, you're nasty
Baby I don't mind
Love the way you're talking nasty
You know you just my type (Boy you're just so nasty)

N-A-S-T-Y, you're nasty
Baby, I don't mind
Love the way you're talking nasty
You know you just my type

In the middle of the floor now
I just don't care
See my body so low now
While stop instead
Let 'em take what they want but I'm feelin' it
And it's for you baby
Tell me how can a girl say no when you calling out your name
And you say

Aa aa ey ey (eeey)
Wanna see you get nasty (Hit me)
Wanna see you shake it down babe (yeah)

Hey hey
N-A-S-T-Y, you're nasty
Baby I don't mind
Love the way you're talking nasty
You know you just my type (Boy you're just so nasty)

N-A-S-T-Y, you're nasty
Baby, I don't mind
Love the way you're talking nasty
You know you just my type

What's your fantasy? (Ooh nasty nasty)
Tell them all to me (Ooh nasty nasty)
Don't you be afraid (Ooh nasty nasty)
Share your nasty secret baby hey

Aa aa ey ey (eeey)
Wanna see you get nasty (Hit me)
Wanna see you shake it down babe (yeah)

Hey hey
N-A-S-T-Y, you're nasty
Baby I don't mind
Love the way you're talking nasty
You know you just my type (Boy you're just so nasty)

N-A-S-T-Y, you're nasty
Baby, I don't mind
Love the way you're talking nasty
You know you just my type

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